NEAR Science is coming to an Oklahoma community near you!
Oklahoma will soon have 30 certified Master Trainers prepared to engage and motivate individuals and communities to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and improve well-being. The ACE Interface Master Trainer program, led by Laura Porter and Dr. Rob Anda, co-principal of the original ACE study, is designed to increase networks of trainers to disseminate “NEAR Science” across communities. This proven program, evaluated by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, has Master Trainers in 29 states across the county. Rhonda Hudson, Executive Director of Ray of Hope Advocacy Center, has been selected to participate in the Master Trainer program.
The three-day training in late March will focus on NEAR Science which helps broaden our understanding of people their behaviors:
Neurobiology helps us understand how our brain developed based on experience. The training explores various functions of the brain like memory, sensory regulation, and executive functioning that are impacted by toxic stress, adversity and trauma.
Epigenetics rediscovered or scientifically affirmed that individual and collective trauma can be passed down from generation to generation.
Adverse Childhood Experiences study scientifically linked early childhood adversity and adult health.
Resilience science, of a community, a family or an individual, lets us know which buffering variables can reverse, prevent, and heal the impact of adversity.
Potts Family Foundation (PFF) was awarded a grant through Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthy Kids Healthy Families program and has selected 30 applicants for the program. PFF will provide ongoing support through the existing network of Raising Resilient Oklahomans Self-Healing Communities across Oklahoma. These individuals represent 16 different counties spread across the state but will be prepared to cover the entire state.
The Master Trainer Program supports rapid dissemination of ACEs and resilience science by facilitating presentations for community groups and organizations including government, schools, businesses, faith-based, medical and law enforcement, and other public and private entities with the goal of improving health and well-being across the lifespan.
Potts Family Foundation welcomes you to become involved. If you are interested in having a NEAR Science presentation in your organization or community later this year, contact Linda Manaugh at