Back to School

Bartlesville Public Schools return to the classroom in a few short days, and many area schools are underway. Some of you may have kids feeling bored with summer and eager to get back into the school routine with friends.  Others may be dragging their kids to the doors on August 17th.


After summer’s laissez-faire schedule of staying up late, ample free time and sleeping into the afternoon, how can we help our kids transition back to school?


  • Slowly work back to a school schedule. If your summer bedtime has crept later and later, try to slowly work it back in 15 minute increments over the course of a week. Remember to start setting an alarm clock too, especially if your kids have been sleeping in over the summer break.
  • Be sure to talk through the before and after school schedule. Let kids know what to expect like who will be taking them or picking them up, what time the bus comes, what the routine is once they are home or where they go after school. Be consistent and talk about any changes before the happen when possible.
  • Calming nerves. Feeling anxious about the first day is normal – so be sure to remind your worried kids of this! Talk to them about their concerns and help them work through them. If your child is starting a new school, be sure to plan a visit before the first day.
  • Write down any need-to-knows like locker combinations, class schedules or bus numbers.
  • Be sure to eat a good breakfast before school. A healthy breakfast makes children more alert and ready to learn.
  • Pack any backpack necessities or lunches the night before. This helps reassure kids and lets them rest easy knowing the morning is prepared.
  • Setup positive homework habits early like a quiet space free of technology and phones.
  • Do your homework and know when school starts and releases, parking and drop off rules, immunization requirements, school clothing codes or for special classes such as P.E. Many school preparations are the caregivers’ responsibility and help set your child up for a successful year. If you are unsure, feel free to ask your school for clarification or help.


Lastly, but maybe most importantly, discuss with your child how to start the year off with confidence and kindness. Your child needs your support and encouragement to achieve full potential this year. Each child deserves to enter a new school year feeling assured and ready, but unfortunately, not every one does. Remind your child to be thoughtful to all classmates because each one of them is unique and brings different strengths to the classroom. Sometimes it just takes a brave, kindhearted friend to bring the strength to light. Encourage your child to be that friend.