Summer Child Care 2018

When the last school bell rings, most kids cheer for summer! But many parents are left scrambling to find childcare options. Whether you choose a formal child-care center, family day care or hire an older student to help run your … Continued

Recognize, Report

In Oklahoma, a mandatory reporter includes every person with reason to believe that a child under the age of eighteen (18) is a victim of abuse or neglect. So by law, this includes all of us – you, me, every … Continued

Public Response Frazzled

Every parent has been there. You are in a public setting and your child is testing your patience. You repeatedly try to control your child. Nothing is working. Your child is loud, running, touching everything, taking things off shelves, upset. … Continued

Public Response

Your ears perk up as you are paying for your groceries. A frustrated mother jerks her young son’s arm and tells him to stop touching the candy. Now watching, you see her berate the four or five year old, ”Why … Continued

Protective Factors

What do going for a run, joining a MOPS group or blowing bubbles in the backyard with your kids all have in common? They’re all “protective factors” that keep families healthy and kids safe!   Your personal protective factors serve … Continued

Organization Child Protection Policies

A coach is left alone with a young student in a locker room. A Sunday school teacher continues teaching with just one student. A day camp volunteer takes children to the bathroom alone. An older teen mentor takes a single … Continued


When talking to the staff or board at Ray of Hope, it won’t take long before you hear about our Multidisciplinary Team. It’s the foundation of the work we do. In fact, we’re so committed to the team approach that … Continued

Lori Moynihan

Last week we began our series introducing Ray of Hope team members who are instrumental in our child abuse response. Medical assessments following allegations of abuse are integral to the services provided at Ray of Hope. A sound medical exam … Continued

Lori Rose

A child abuse investigation can set off a chain of events that may be challenging for families to navigate. Each step is essential to ensure the safety and healing for the child but unfortunately can sometimes feel overwhelming. Ray of … Continued

Kids Vacation Tips

Who doesn’t look forward to vacation? It’s always a much needed time to getaway, relax and rejuvenate. However, when you are bringing kids along, you may be bringing more than just additional baggage – stress, schedules and strollers may also … Continued